Modelmapper returning null. class); Jun 15, 2022 路 Actual code in service class.

Map and the destination object to not be null. getClass() and destinationType then one is created. Extensible. I have a bunch of default converters for null values that have been registered at the mapper level like this: modelMapper. I am using ModelMapper within my Spring Boot Application (Java 12) in order to map DatabaseEntities to DTOs which will be used for the REST endpoints. java) Right-Click > Run As > Java Application. javaguides. setProvider. In this post they explain this: "The default return value of methods you haven't stubbed yet is false for boolean methods, an empty collection or map for methods returning collections or maps and null otherwise. The converter class: May 29, 2019 路 The user object has 1 property set at null while the object userDocument has it with a value, then when I save it in the database that value is gone (because it has transformed into null). The name PropertyMap implied that it was only used for mapping, So I think you should use converters for converting! 馃憤 2 mbm56767 and vietdanh1899 reacted with thumbs up emoji. . stream(). This is my Entity: import com. You are creating a brand new Item object before setting properties in your DTO. nullValueMappingStrategy = RETURN_DEFAULT only says that if the input parameter is null, then an empty object. ModelMapper uses a set of conventions and configuration to determine which source and destination properties match each other. Dec 4, 2020 路 model mapper mock returns null object in spring boot unit test. public ModelMapper modelMapper() {. isNotNull()); It is useful, for example, for partial updates of a target object where you only want to copy those properties from the source object that are not null. Feb 9, 2023 路 3. ModelMapper is an intelligent, refactoring safe object mapping library that Nov 19, 2021 路 DummyResponseApi modelToApi(DummyResponse DummyResponseModel); And my Unit test: private DummyService service; My Service method that I want to test: DummyModel mapMe = new DummyModel(); return DummyMapper. lang. map(dto, UserModel. The first is by adding the converter to a ModelMapper: modelMapper. Post post = new Post (); return new ModelMapper(); } 3. ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper(); final PropertyMap<Foo, FooModel> FOO_TO_FOO_MODEL_MAP = new PropertyMap<Foo, FooModel>() {. modelToApi(mapMe); In older projects I did it the same way like this and had no problems. class) ). class); LOGGER. Jan 20, 2021 路 6. @Bean. Feb 29, 2024 路 Introduction to ModelMapper. getIncludeMask(). Expected result would be that property of destination object will be null after mapping. I am not sure how it was with ModelMapper when question was asked but using converter should be straightforward. 1. So you also don't violate the principles like DRY (Don't repeat yourself). GetContextItem. net core in which I am using automapper in one of my service. The goal of the user manual is to provide an overview of ModelMapper’s features along with details about how it works. Dec 8, 2019 路 Foo1. readValue(source, Holder. ModelMapper is an intelligent, refactoring safe object mapping library that Jan 25, 2017 路 The implementation about how a PropertyMap work is based on java reflection and it cannot handle for calculation or converting. Jun 22, 2016 路 Lets assume I have class MySource:. getParent () Returns the parent MappingContext from which the current MappingContext was created, else null if there is no parent context. IDENTITY) @Column(name = "post_id") private int id; private String title; private String description; @Temporal(TemporalType. But I'm not sure how to go about it since my entity has relationships like this: @Id. 2 ModelMapper issue white converting from string to ObjectId. getAreaId()) ) } Might be useful to know that my RequestDTOs will always have referenced entities ids with the name [entitiy]Id and all entities' ids are called "id" Jun 27, 2020 路 With that code, you can format the pattern you receive the data, from your front-end. userEntity. I am using java 8 and Spring boot 2. I didn't figure it out. TemplateId: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} TemplateName: null. Replace: response = mapper. Some of them have a custom type so that they are able to contain multiple languages. Map<IList<User>>(data); and here is mocking using Moq: Sep 24, 2022 路 employeeList = employeeRepository. private NotificationServiceImpl notificationService; @MockBean. notNull(source, "source"); In my opinion, this should not be any concern of the ModelMapper. public EntityDtoConverter(ModelMapper modelMapper) {. The item is retrieved using MvcCurrentContext. Overview. Also I should mention that, this service is being called by another service "customerDetails" which is under the test. @Override. EDIT Also strip the spurious attribute name from the json. info("Returned list of items"); return itemDTOs; } If you looked in that codeshare you could see that at the department field, I have the entire Department Nov 7, 2015 路 If the fields that your model needs are fields of your page item then GetCurrentItem can also fill your model. In these cases I would like to map member Type in class Destination from TypeId property. Code ; Jan 11, 2013 路 The semantics of @JsonProperty is: the attribute name as it appears in the json. A Converter can also be set directly against a TypeMap: 38. NotNull; The following examples demonstrate usage of ModelMapper for common use cases. getUserId()); return user; } I have User and UserEntity classes. INSTANCE. Mockito. Version: 9. I have a simple mapper returning null pointer when I instantiate the entity and use mapstruct mapper on a DTO to Entity method. If Datasource nesting is enabled, then if the datasource is not set on the rendering, Sitecore returns the page item again. Class < S >. by default the . this. See full list on baeldung. reference = this. getSource () Returns the source object being mapped from. class); ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper(); return mapper. Nov 28, 2021 路 0. Here is the service method: var users = _mapper. NON_NULL); Copy. Debugging confirms mapper. 0</version> </dependency> Otherwise you can download the latest ModelMapper jar and add it to your classpath. mappers. I actually use Apache beanutils, with this code beanUtils. map(Item. That might be validated by Spring but because Spring has no knowledge about that Jan 8, 2022 路 Everything seems to work in the AccountService itself when used in the controller, but in the testing unit the modelMapper. cmd field ends up as null since modelmapper doesn't know how to convert from String-> Command (which is expected). Nov 8, 2018 路 I have an application in . public class ModelMapperConfig {. It cannot find the bean, would suggest you to create a Bean. The Recipe class (Database Entity) contains multiple variables. Instead of implementing a converter for the whole class implement it to the types that actually need conversion. map( (item) -> mapper. Use this configuration and it will work: ModelMapper modelmapper = new ModelMapper(); Provider<LocalDate> localDateProvider = new AbstractProvider<LocalDate>() {. utilities. return new ModelMapper(); Important edit. From JavaBeans and JSON trees to database records, ModelMapper does the heavy lifting for you. However for the REST endpoint a simple Apr 5, 2024 路 Also make sure that the ModelMapper is configured as a Bean in your project, should look something like this: @Configuration public class ProjectConfigFile { @Bean public ModelMapper modelMapper() { return new ModelMapper(); } } And I would use constructor injection for the mapper in your AccountController and call it directly, such as Jan 23, 2019 路 I was coding a web API, wanted to map User model to UserView model. answered Dec 16, 2015 at 0:31. It does not return null for any other case: missing input (for example) would be rewarded by an exception; and no deserializer produces null by default. Java ModelMapper: map DTO to Dec 20, 2020 路 First: I am pretty sure that ModelMapper does not do JSR-303 annotation validation out of the box. Apr 14, 2018 路 1. Source code for examples is also available. 5. 27. map(userEntity,User. public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } Aug 8, 2018 路 ModelMapper not mapping Spring Entity property. getName () returns b. toList()); I am trying to mock the model mapper in my test class but the same output is overriding in the test case In addition to setting AllowNullCollections in the mapper configuration initialization (as noted in this answer ), you have the option to set AllowNullCollections in your Profile definition, like this: public class MyMapper : Profile. TypeMap < S, D >. class)) . Map<String, String> ackMessage = new HashMap(); ackMessage. Feb 6, 2021 路 Everything is somehow mapped to null. That is why you are getting id and itemName as null. I still intend to look into the problem of instantiating intermediate objects on the destination when mapping a source value that is null. Dto object has gender, I've checked that much. class); return objectMapper. With Auth0, we only have to write a few lines of code to get solid identity management solution, single sign-on, support for social identity providers (like Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, etc. Aug 2, 2017 路 24. I'm trying to implement Mockito to test a particular method but the . Jun 14, 2021 路 female, unisex. Securing Spring Boot APIs with Auth0 is easy and brings a lot of great features to the table. getInputStream()); response = mapper. This is the schema for the table whose records I am attempting to convert (Postgresql) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS actor( actor_id UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), first_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(actor_id) ); Sep 26, 2020 路 ModelMapper return Null in DTO fields while mapping from Entity to DTO. modelmapper</groupId> <artifactId>modelmapper</artifactId> <version>3. Very new to using modelMapper, so is something being missed here or the Mar 17, 2022 路 First of all, I am new to UnitTest. Author. Modified 7 years, Getting nulls while using ModelMapper. That's what I want in a nutshel: if Source. map(emp, EmployeeInfoPojo. readValue(response, ConfigDetail. info("Converted userEntity to user model with Id" +. AllArgsConstructor; Feb 29, 2024 路 The controller will return a new Coffee object. I've seen this post Mockito - NullpointerException when stubbing Method. ModelMapper is unable to recognize the generic type of a List and thus does not apply your converter. If you want to convert to LocalDate you need to create a Provider otherwise ModelMapper cannot instantiate LocalDate because it doesn't have a public default constructor. Default Value. setId(item. Example using: this way is preparing a modelmapper with default constructor. But when I write getAll () or update () etc. You could try what you were thinking with a global provider set via: modelMapper. Map (user) returns null value object. cmd ends up being null. But the bigger problem in your approach is: In your controller you expect PaymentTransactionDTO. On the deepest property mapping, the mapping result is null but it should be an object. If nothing is annotated or if nullValueMappingStrategy = RETURN_NULL, then null is returned when the input parameter is null. return modelMapper. getExtendedPollingType(). In this tutorial, we’re going to see how we can achieve this using Mockito. fromValue() to convert the String to enum. It uses a convention based approach while providing a Dec 26, 2022 路 basically any getter: public List<ItemDTO> getItems() { List<Item> items = itemRepository. // Null collections will be mapped to null collections instead of empty collections. Type from it. DATE) Aug 1, 2016 路 public class Holder { public Data customer; } followed by mapper. Here are my templates. validate() confirms with a validation exception saying Unmapped destination properties found in TypeMap[ServiceOperationDTO -> ServiceOperation]: May 30, 2022 路 I have service method which return mapper to convert entity to DTO when I run the application everything work successfully but when I do unit test the mapper return null. Type != null. CreateMap<Source, Destination>(); It works properly but sometimes member Type in class Source becomes null. Hot Network Questions Oct 10, 2023 路 Also I am using ModelMapper for map functions. Determines whether destination properties that match more than one source The following examples demonstrate usage of ModelMapper for common use cases. collect(Collectors. @Spy ModelMapper modelMapper=new ModelMapper(); Oct 4, 2018 路 try {. ModelMapperService. It uses a convention based approach while providing a simple refactoring safe API for handling specific use cases. to fix it you can convert int? to int in mapping. getId()); // item. Inject and Use ModelMapper Spring Bean in Service Class. UserModel user = mapper. Step 5: Create Entity Class. Let’s try mapping some objects. class); Item item = new Item(); dto. I'm trying to get items from Sitecore using GlassMapper 5 and after trying in many ways the properties in my object are always null. map(source, listType); Aug 26, 2021 路 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Released under the Apache License v2. printStackTrace(); } The problem is that this. fieldA = A; this. class, groupRequestDTO. bpService = bpService; Feb 2, 2018 路 @Service public class MyServiceImpl { @Autowired private ObjectMapper objectMapper; private configDetail fetchConfigDetail(String configId) throws IOException { final String response = restTemplate. public MyMapper() {. public class MySource { public String fieldA; public String fieldB; public MySource(String A, String B) { this. modelMapper. StaxMan. getMaskSettings(). ForAllMembers(opts => opts. I'm not sure if it is possible to achieve with classes you presented but if it is it might be quite complicated task. impl; import lombok. } I'm using modelMapper by creating a new object with no additional config. @Configuration. Returns the TypeMap for the sourceType, destinationType and typeMapName, else returns null if none exists. {. Next, let's inject ModelMapper Spring bean in UserServieImpl class and use it's methods to convert the User JPA entity into UserDto and vice versa: package net. addConverter(personConverter); This, in turn, sets the converter against the TypeMap corresponding to the source and destination types Person and PersonDTO. code snippet, I put comments to describe the problem more : Jan 8, 2024 路 Testing. Class)" because the return value of "hakan. -> it's returning null value only when it's date types, bellow is my code. getForObject(config. class); } catch (IOException e1) {. class); When I call the method on test calls I get null value. A provider can be configured for a ModelMapper instance to provide instances of all destination types during the mapping process. Example usage: Currently: The ModelMapper has If no TypeMap exists for source. Also I've managed to put a Configuration for this mapper in MapperConfig: Aug 7, 2020 路 return new ModelMapper(); And I made a converter component: private final ModelMapper modelMapper; @Autowired. My last testes were same structure. Expected behavior. I expected the custom converter's Convert method to get fired when I call mapper. readTree(connection. Is it possible to create 1 single converter that would be applied to all fields? If I do: modelMapper. Nov 20, 2019 路 Version: x. Additionally drop all the annotations from the java class: it will work nicely without and why would you want to bind your class to a specific de/serialization method? Jan 22, 2018 路 Currently, when passing a null value as source object, a IllegalArgumentException is thrown, as an assertion is made Assert. Mapping DTO to existing entity , it is creating new entity. getMaskType() returns String while the destination type accepts a MaskType enum Therefore I am using MaskType. ItemsOwnedByUserDto dto =. modelmapper. Description. readValue(responseJson Dec 15, 2015 路 15. The assertion fails since domainObj. But for certain models where property and class names are very dissimilar, a PropertyMap can be created to define explicit mappings between source and destination properties. Failed workaround 2: Remaking the EnumConverter to a ConditionalConverter which, AFAIK, always will be tested (in a for loop): Aug 11, 2019 路 However, this throws a null pointer exception as typeMap is being returned as null. Available configuration, along with default values, is described below: Setting. class);. @Autowired. 0. getName(), entityManager. Jul 9, 2020 路 ModelMapper mapper = new ModelMapper(); return mapper. getSourceType () Returns the source type being mapped from. For most object models, ModelMapper does a good job of intelligently mapping source and destination properties. By doing so, we don’t need to specify long JSON inputs in our tests. And this is my content tree structure. When unit testing code that involves deserializing JSON with Jackson, we might find it easier to mock the ObjectMapper#readValue method. Please consider the following code: enum AddressType { SENDER("Sender"), RECEIVER("Receiver";), public static Addres Jan 25, 2022 路 private Group mapToEntity (GroupREquestDTO groupRequestDTO){ return new Group( null, groupRequestDTO. If a null value is passed, the ModelMapper should simply return a null value. This is because of type erasure. Spring will use ObjectMapper to serialize our POJO to JSON. Hey I just began playing around with Modelmapper to map jOOQ records to POJOs. To browser the User Manual, choose from the menu on the left. Ignore Null Fields Globally. Converters can be configured for use in several ways. This happens pretty inconsistently and sometimes gets fixed just by rerunning the app. map(entity, SampleDTO. convertToType(item, ItemDTO. You would need to use programmatic validator for the resulting bean. mapper. We're not really sure what's happening. service. Please help me understand the issue. 2. What am I doing wrong? Dec 8, 2017 路 The problem is that the source type method call source. Instead of that, this property is set to an object and all of its properties are set to null. getReference(Area. Actually, even when I create the mapping explicitly in the function inside a main class, I get the same NullPointerException. It uses a convention based approach while Nov 1, 2022 路 After upgrading to Sitecore 9. ModelMapper. Dec 8, 2018 路 public ModelMapper modelMapper() {. public class Foo1{ private Long id; private String code; private String name; private Boolean rState; private String comments; // Contain json data private String attachments; // Contain json data } Feb 18, 2022 路 2. If you’re a Maven user just add the modelmapper library as a dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org. addConverter(new Converter<String, Integer>() {. final ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper(config, engine); would probably work in theory, but unfortunately there is no ModelMapper(Configuration, Engine); constructor. map() method returns null object, so it throws an infamous NullPointerException. You can configure ModelMapper to ignore all properties that are null with the following configuration: modelMapper. map(notification, NotificationDto. writeValueAsString(ackMessage); But this json string is getting null while debugging. I know that json schema and Reference class propoerties are not exactly the same, but I expected to get a reference with Oct 17, 2019 路 1. Ambiguity ignored. sun. getConfiguration(). Configuration. So I started to had some problems with empty data that was coming from my Json, because of that I removed this module, and stayed just with modelmapper core and simply made a change in my DTO replacing date attributes from String to Localdate in DTOs and JPA entities. you need to create a separate config class as below, @Configuration public class AppConfiguration { @Bean public ModelMapper modelMapper(){ return new ModelMapper(); } } and use Feb 15, 2024 路 Ok, you are not satisfied with it, and that's fine, but care to leave a comment there about which part does not meet your needs? I honestly don't see what demands a lot of boilerplate repetition code - if you go with the dynamic combinations approach, the solution is literary 2 abstract classes, a map (with 8 entries at most) and a nested loop (string -> number can be moved in the nested loop). readValue(connection. private ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper (); @Test public void whenConvertPostEntityToPostDto_thenCorrect() {. Mapping. fieldB = B; } } Jan 2, 2013 路 A provider provides destination instances prior to their values being populated. return new ModelMapper(); Jul 28, 2021 路 1. public ActionResult NavigationHeader() May 11, 2024 路 Finally, let’s do a very simple test to make sure the conversions between the entity and the DTO work well: public class PostDtoUnitTest {. class); With: JsonNode responseJson = mapper. findAll(pageable); This modelMapper as a function is hard to figure out how to test, I'm not sure if the problem is the way of mocking modelMappers and paginationGenerator or I'm just missing something. You need to declare an explicit mapping from User to UserDto, and apply the annotation on it instead: Feb 16, 2024 路 I'm using ModelMapper to convert data between some apis. If you’re new to ModelMapper, check out the Getting Started guide first. These are my mapping source Entities (Omitting Loombok Getters and Setters for brevety): Jun 14, 2017 路 If I a complex Object for intance: Person{ private String name, private Address address}, Address{String city, String street} and I like to map a Dto object DTO{ private String name, private String addressCity, private String addressStreet} what should be called the properties of the DTO if I use the modelmapper STRICT mode ? or I need configure two custom PropertyMap?, because in STANDAR mode Apr 8, 2022 路 I'm unable to correctly map a string to an enum. Java 6 / 7. My entity is a lot longer and in another language, so I'll just write a similar entity as example. class); Jun 15, 2022 路 Actual code in service class. private InterfaceBP bpService; public void setBpService(InterfaceBP bpService) {. Solution is to do; public class Data {. org. ), and support for enterprise identity providers (like Active Directory When you make fields private, you force Jackson to utilize setters, and the above conflict makes it impossible to properly deserialize the Data object. I have autowired the Object mapper in my service class, @Autowired ObjectMapper objectMapper; below code is how I get the Mar 17, 2021 路 The way you're trying to use @Mapping on a collection-mapping method isn't supported at the moment. getInputStream(), Publications. Jul 20, 2021 路 0. setPropertyCondition(Conditions. Jun 8, 2017 路 Then I use Automapper to map Source to Destination: cfg. readValue() returns null. I am currently trying to perform an Entity to DTO mapping using ModelMapper's map method. One solution would be to declare class that has the type stored runtime. class, ItemsOwnedByUserDto. Now any null field in any class serialized through this mapper is going to be ignored: @Test public void givenNullsIgnoredGlobally_whenWritingObjectWithNullField_thenIgnored The private final ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper(); is not a good practice in Spring context. Mar 12, 2024 路 For this go to Main Class In Spring Boot (Here, ModelMapperApplication. // TODO: Throw domain exception e1. toList()); logger. readValue() returns null for JSON input consisting of JSON value null . mapper. ModelMapper is a powerful Java library designed to simplify the process of mapping objects from one type to another. I'm trying to map source object which property is set to null to destination object of which this property is set to another object. getId() is null. ModelMapper supports integration with any type of data model. So, why is the typeMap for this pair (LinkedHashMap, A) being returned as null? FurtherMore, when examining the object a, the mapping has worked in that, a. setProvider(delegatingProvider); Nov 2, 2013 路 I would like to know how to copy the properties from an Object Source to an Object Dest ignoring null values using Spring Framework. This is particularly useful for delegating object provisioning to an IoC container (See the Spring and Guice extensions for more on this). @JsonProperty("UniqueId") private List<UUID> uniqueId; @JsonProperty("CustomerOffers") private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> customerOffers; If you are testing your modelmapper map returning values, you can use @Spy. getType(); List<String> strings = modelMapper. istack. then map Destination. It returns me null. 5. z. getUrl(), String. Mar 21, 2019 路 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Oct 21, 2016 路 Object Mapper Values Returning Null. core. We’ll exemplify the customization options by using String and LocalDateTime objects: public class Coffee { private String name; private String brand; private LocalDateTime date; //getters and setters } The goal of the user manual is to provide an overview of ModelMapper’s features along with details about how it works. map((emp) -> modelMapper. @Spy ModelMapper modelMapper; or you can customize with builder or constructor a modelmapper or any other types with instance creation way. When I mocked my objectMapper inside of the test. findAll(); List<ItemDTO> itemDTOs = items. Apr 13, 2017 路 I don't think this answers the question. To map a parameterized destination type, subclass TypeToken and obtain its Type: Type listType = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {}. forRequest ()" is null. To browser the Examples, choose from the menu on the left. 0. Once, we run our application as Java Application, we can see in the console that our application is started and set up the connection to the database. Java 8. modelMapper = modelMapper; public SampleDTO sampleToDto(Sample entity) {. Intellij may be confused. 3 May 13, 2017 路 CreateMap<StatusLevelDTO, StatusLevel>() . Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. They are mapped with Role and RoleEntity classess: Here is my User class: public class User {. 3 and GlassMapper 5+ the TemplateId and TemplateName are coming back as nulls. Mar 15, 2022 路 verify(categoryRepository, times(1)). map() method from mocked ModelMapper returns null Property Mapping. How to correctly mock an ObjectMapper object. thenReturn () seems to always be returning a null object instead of what I intended: CUT: // injected via Spring. getGender(); // null. Jul 24, 2018 路 User user = modelMapper. It uses a convention based approach while Jun 14, 2019 路 ModelMapper returns NULL when trying to map Entity to DTO object. S. Here is an example: Nov 17, 2021 路 I would like to map my DTO ( CreateOrUpdatePostRequest) to my entity Post. com Aug 26, 2020 路 I use ModelMapper to convert Models to DTOs. y. findAll(); employeeListPojos = employeeList. private HashOperations<String, String, Object> hashOperations; @Qualifier("objectRedisTemplate") private final RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate; private final ModelMapper modelMapper; I am trying to Mock classes but i keep getting a NPE. 2. readValue(jsonDocument, Reference. Condition((src, dest, srcMember) => srcMember != null)); But mapping nullable to non nullable will be an issue like int? to int it will always return 0. So like: public static Converter<LocalTime, Time> timeConverter = new AbstractConverter<>() {. class); } } Sep 5, 2017 路 Aside: Securing Spring APIs with Auth0. map (Object, java. I believe I am using the corrupted junit. setSerializationInclusion(Include. class); user. categoriesReturned always returns as null in my test, so I can't do the assertions with it. Jackson also allows us to configure this behavior globally on the ObjectMapper: mapper. It automates the tedious task of manually Configuration. addConverter(new Conve Aug 3, 2023 路 1. Aug 22, 2023 路 Rather than calling ModelMapper. But after mapping the dto to entity object, gender is null on the entity object. @Sakthivel, you can pull an IRenderingContext interface from RenderingContext class. productData. mapper is an instance of IMapper Class of AutoMapper. Some of inner fields in api A are String and need to be converted to inner fields of B that are either Integer, Long, Short, Double or Byte. ModelMapper is an intelligent, refactoring safe object mapping library that automatically maps objects to each other. put("ID", "123"); String **json** = objectMapper. @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType. Now the issue is I am writing test method and mocking automapper but it is returning null. i am using model mapper library and i am facing with a problem. map(notificationDto, Notification. The MainNav item is being used as datasource of a rendering and this how I'm getting it in the controller. addConverter, which actually creates or adds to a TypeMap under the hood, a converter can be added to ModelMapper's implicit mapping by implementing ConditionalConverter and adding our converter directly to the underlying configuration. at test method from manager ProductManager, Spring says. springboot. ge yv ox ry uf sf ui wh xw uk