Sarpang dzongkhag gewog. Contact: 06365173/06365340.

Sarpang dzongkhag gewog Much of Sarpang District consists of environmentally protected areas. The main objective of the project is to add value to the Doma and diversify the products to some extent Located 47kms away from Jigmechoeling Gewog Center and 113kms from Dzongkhag headquarter, the school is one of the two remotest schools in Sarpang Dzongkhag. The stakeholder Dungkhag Administrations guided and supported their constituent Gewog Administrations and implemented the decisions of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu. There are 1,946 square miles in Sarpang. National Statistics Bureau Thimphu : Bhutan Telphone#: +975-2-333296/335848 Fax # : +975 -2 - 323069 Post Box No. Feb 24, 2025 · Dzongkhag Administration. bt Note: Information as of 18/10/2022 Sarpang, Bhutan. of Student/Trainees : 86 Male : 35 Female : 51 No. Compile requisitions, place supply orders based on approved note sheet within quoted rate. bt. of Student/Trainees : 172 Male : 90 Female : 82 No. 67 14301 Vegtable produciton 10 MT 1666. of non- teaching staff : 01 Male : 01 Female : 00 Contact Details Principal Name : Dorji Email ID : dorjitps@education. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Located 47kms away from Jigmechoeling Gewog Center and 113kms from Dzongkhag headquarter, the school is one of the two remotest schools in Sarpang Dzongkhag. Sun, 08/07/2022 - 08:50 Read more about Inauguration and Product launching of Aa-Paw ice cream Processing Plant birds besides dairy and piggery farming. 6 Year of establishment : 1978 Area as per thram (in acres) : 11. Advise on, assist in, or review any rules or regulations proposed by Gewog Tshogde. 9. Approximately 68. For further information kindly contact Dzongkhag Civil and Census Registration Sector or respective Gewog Center during the office hour. [1] [2] References Mar 1, 2025 · Mandates 1. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Black Topping work for Gewog (Chuzargang) Notification Period : 03-May-2018 To 12-May-2018. 10. It has an area of 126. Sarpang Dzongkhag is divided into one dungkhag, Gelephu, and 12 gewogs. facebook. Year of establishment : 1991 Area as per thram (in acres) : 2. 13. The study was undertaken as part of the Evolutionary Plant Breeding (EPB) Project (2019-2022) in Sarpang, Bhutan. 94 1677. A total of 349 business firms and 5 PROs stations were inspected under Sarpang Dzongkhag (Gelephu town, Shompangkha Gewog, Choekhorling, Jigmeling, Samtenling & Chuzaegang) Figure I: Numbers and types of businesses inspected under Sarpang Dzongkhag C. It lies between altitude of 300-1000m above the sea level with sandy-loamy soil. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details ROAD MAP DZONGKHAG TO GEWOGS, 2020 0 12 km 1. It also comprises part of Lhamoy Zingkha Dungkhag, along with Lhamoy Zingkha and Nichula Gewogs. Finding and Observation The key findings and observation are as follows: Sarpang, Bhutan. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Year of establishment : 2010 Area as per thram (in acres) : 5 Location Gewog : Tareythang Chiwog : Yoezergang No. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Samtse gewog is located to the south-west of the Samtse Dzongkhag. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details 3. 10 Location Gewog : Serzhong Chiwog : Serzhong No. The survey was conducted in 2019 to generate baseline information for rice yield and varietal diversity, involving 54 experienced rice farmers of Singye Gewog (block) under Sarpang Dzongkhag (district) in Southern Bhutan. People live in Gelephu and 12 gewogs in Sarpang Dzongkhag. Oct 30, 2022 · The Sarpang Dzongkhag has inaugurated and launched “Aa-Paw” ice cream processing plant at Pelrithang Khamoed, Gelephu Gewog on 6. samtenlingps@education. bt Adm. Consolidate & finalize the item list for price schedules for Annual quotation. Sarpang, Bhutan. It falls under the sub-tropical climatic zone characterized by hot and humid summers and cold and dry winters. [2] Lhamoizingkha Gewog is a gewog (village block) of Dagana District, Bhutan. [8] Gewog changes since 2000. ©Sarpang Dzongkhag, Bhutan Located close proximity to Senggey Gewog Center 13kms away from Dzongkhag headquarter, the PHC was established in 2011. km), Umling gewog is located at an altitude ranging from 190 meters (m) to 400 m above sea level. 4. The head of a gewog [2] is called a gup [3] (རྒེད་པོ་ gepo). Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The Gewog Administration Sengye is pleased to invite sealed bids from the registered national Contractors for the construction of Deosalikhop farm Road. 3. It has Sarpang, Bhutan. The Gewog has total of 132. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Jan 20, 2025 · Phuentenchu Gewog is located north-east of the Tsirang Dzongkhag sharing border with Wangdue, Trongsa and Sarpang Dzongkhag. gov. 31 acres of land 10kms away from Dzongkhag administration along the Sarpang-Gelephu highway. Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang Dzongkhag 4. of non- teaching staff : 06 Male : 03 Female : 03 Contact Details Principal Name : Rinzin Dorji Email ID : sp. It was upgraded to LSS in 2009 and then to MSS in 2020. access Festivals least and locked contentpersonnel Rice would of locked contentleast Chorten and absence locked contentwould Tashi of in locked contentand music absence (RBP) locked contentof Chorten in station. There is only one dungkhag and one gewog in the whole area. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Mandates Develop an overall beautification plan and strategy for the Dzongkhag/Gewogs. Black Topping work for Gewog (Chuzargang) Notification Period : 03-May-2018 To 12-May-2018. In 2007, Lhamoy Zingkha Dungkhag was formally transferred from Sarpang Dzongkhag to Dagana Dzongkhag, [1] affecting the town of Lhamozingkha and three constituent gewogs – Lhamozingkha, Deorali and Nichula (Zinchula Mandates 1. Mobilize resources for beautification programmes through annual work planning and project proposals. The Dzongkhag also have one domestic airport at Gelephu. The Dungkhag Administration formally started its functioning with Sarpang, Bhutan. Administratively, it is under Serzhong Chiwog under Serzhong Gewog. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Aug 24, 2021 · Sarpang, Bhutan. The school is 63km away from Dzongkhag headquarter and 48kms away from Choekhorling Chiwog, Dekiling Gewog. Awareness Videos. Located 27km away from Dzongkhag headquarter (yet only 1km from Sarpang-Gelephu highway at Bhur), the school was constructed in 2006. The Gakidling Gewog Administration of Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to invite the sealed bids. Sarpang, Bhutan. Engineer, FEMD, DES, MoWHS i Table of Contents Acknowledgement 1 Acronyms 2 Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Background 4 Objective of the Study 15 Methodology 20 Data Collection and Jigmechholing Gewog (Dzongkha: འཇིགས་མེད་ཆོས་གླིང་), also transliterated as Jigmecholing or Jigmechoeling [1] and formerly known as Surey [2] is a gewog (village block) of Sarpang District, Bhutan. 67 882. Doonglagang gewog is one of the least developed gewog in the Dzongkhag with the completion of gewog centre road and coming up of electrification the living standard of Geographical location of Sarpang Dzongkhag HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SARPANG DZONGKHAG Background With an area of 1655 sq. The plant which will be managed and operated by a 24-member farmers group from the Gewog was established with support from Sarpang Dzongkhag at the cost of Nu. of non- teaching staff : 07 Male : 03 Female : 04 Contact Details Principal Name : Duptho Ugyen Email ID : dupthougyen@education. The main objective of the project is to add value to the Doma and diversify the products to some extent The school, one of the oldest having constructed in 1978, is located two kilometers away from Serzhong Bridge; meaning its 45kms away from Dzongkhag headquarter. 1. It has Jan 20, 2025 · Doonglagang Gewog is one of the twelve gewog which falls under Tsirang Dzongkhag; it is bordered by Kilkhorthang Gewog in the west, Sarpang Dzongkhag in the east, Shemjong gewog in the south and Patshaling gewog in the north. Zhemgang Dzongkhag lies in the South-central region Apr 1, 2022 · Field report on Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for water sources mapping exercises in Chudzom gewog, Sarpang district, Divisional Forest Office, Sarpang, Department of Forests and Park Services The Gakidling Gewog Administration of Sarpang Dzongkhag is pleased to invite the sealed bids. 2M and was handed over to Gelephu Dairy Group which Sarpang, Bhutan. It was founded in 1983 but had to remain closed since 1990s until its re-opening in 2009. of teaching staff : 09 Male : 03 Female : 06 No. Gewog Tshogde is made up of Gup (Head of Gewog), Mangmi (Deputy of Gewog) and five to eight democratically elected Tshogpas (Village representatives) from among villages. 9 sq. No Name VPIC/CID Gewog Dzongkhag Deregister Date 1 Ngawang Namgyel 11411002040 Tang Bumthang 31-01-19 2 Pema 10101000045 Chhokhor Bumthang 31-01-19 3 Gyem Lhamo 10101000129 Chhokhor Bumthang 31-01-19 4 Nado 10101000130 Chokor Bumthang 31-01-19 5 Kinga 10101000133 Chhokhor Bumthang 31-01-19 6 Jambay Sonam 10101000136 Chokor Bumthang 31-01-19 7 Ugyen Tshomo Located 47kms away from Jigmechoeling Gewog Center and 113kms from Dzongkhag headquarter, the school is one of the two remotest schools in Sarpang Dzongkhag. Number of times people visited Dzongkhag Website: Number of times people visited Dzongkhag facebook Page: The Sarpang Dzongkhag annual census for the year 2022-2023 will be tentatively conducted as per the attached program list. Slno Name CID no Gewog Card Received on Total Cards: 4 Sarpang, Bhutan. The Dzongkhag Procurement Officer in collaboration with Gelephu Thromde Procurement Officer provides training to the participants and the training session will end on 22nd April 2022. Aug 1, 2024 · Figure 44: Sarpang Dzongkhag: Uses of water source Table 20: Potential supply of timber from Loca l Forest Management area of Gakidling Gewog The survey was conducted in 2019 to generate baseline information for rice yield and varietal diversity, involving 54 experienced rice farmers of Singye Gewog (block) under Sarpang Dzongkhag (district) in Southern Bhutan. 06-365102 (Office) Friday, October 5, 2018 1:51 PM Total: 86 Cards Note: The list is being shared in the interest of those applicants from other Dzongkhags who have availed CID service from this Dzongkhag administration. Km and has 277 gungs and 78 nil gungs distributed among five chiwogs viz, Patshaling toed, Patshaling maed,Thakorling,chhuzomsa and Pangthang with an population of 1249 male and 1256 female with an grand total 8. Read more about Dekiling Middle Secondary School Sarpang, Bhutan. [1] [2]Umling Gewog is situated in the central Southern foothills of Sarpang Dzongkhag, bordering Assam, India, in the South, and Chuzagang Gewog in the West, Tareythang Gewog in the East and Zhemgang Dzongkhag in the North. 3 %. Number of People visited website. of non- teaching staff : 05 Male : 03 Female : 02 Contact Details Principal Name : Sangay Email ID : sangay81@education. 48 km2. The second batch of training for the Singye Gewog of Sarpang Dzongkhag to assess rice productivity and varietal diversity. 47sq. It caters to the public of Shompankha, Gakiling and Singye Gewog. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Year of establishment : 2008 Area as per thram (in acres) : 6. Slno Name CID no Gewog Card Received on Total Cards:10 Bumthan g Dzongkhag Civil Registration and Census Office, Sarpang Telephone No. To uphold transparency, accountability and integrity. Contact: 06365173/06365340. A total of 9 varieties were Year of establishment : 2006 Area as per thram (in acres) : 13. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Sarpang, Bhutan. 38 acres of land. The objectives of this Performance Agreement are: a) To establish clarity and consensus about annual priorities for the Dzongkhag consistent with the 11th Five Year Plan document, and Government’s new priorities; b) To make the Dzongkhag Administration fully responsible for driving implementation and Sarpang, Bhutan. 17 Location Gewog : Samtenling Chiwog : Samtenling No. Gelephu Thromde The Flood Engineering and Management Division would also like to acknowledge and thank all those who have contributed and willingly helped us with their abilities towards carrying out the flood hazard assessment studies for Sarpang Dzongkhag. The gewog enjoys a warm temperature climate with clayey loam soil type, with an altitude ranging from about 1070 meters to 1300 Sarpang, Bhutan. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Oct 11, 2021 · Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang has signed Annual Performance Agreement for the FY2021-2022 with Gewogs and Sectors Heads on 11 October 2021 with a solemn undertaking that gewogs and sector heads would deliver outputs as targeted within the scope of available resources at the least while the Dzongkhag administration pledged to provide all necessary supports on behalf of the Royal Government Dzongkhag Civil Registration and Census Office, Sarpang Telephone No. Sarpang 30/11/2021 (558 downloads ) Dzongkhag at a glance 2016. Haa. It is the largest Gewog in the Dzongkhag with an area of 170. 06-365102 (Office) Total: Card458 s 8 August, 2018 9:25 AM Note: The list is being shared in the interest of those applicants from other Dzongkhags who have availed CID service from this Dzongkhag administration. The Dungpa was empowered to attend the meetings of the Gewog Tshogdes as a non-voting member. The Sarpang Dzongkhag annual census for the year 2022-2023 will be tentatively conducted as per the attached program list. O box no. Create awareness on His Majesty’s Vision of Clean, Safe, Organized and Beautiful Community for National Integrity, National Pride and for our bright future. of teaching staff : 07 Male : 05 Female : 02 No. [4] Gewogs form a geographic administrative unit below dzongkhag districts (and dungkhag subdistricts, where they exist), and above Dzongkhag Thromde class B and Yenlag Thromde municipalities. Dungpas were administrative executives that reported directly to the Dzongkhag administration. of teaching staff : 17 Male : 08 Female : 09 No. Post Box N0. 3 Spat ial Pattern o f Human-Elephant Con ict Based on the survey report, incidences of con ict have been compared a mong The Dzongkhag Administration is Please to invites the sealed bids for the construction of meeting hall at Chaar under Shompangkha Gewog Sarpang, Bhutan. 11. [13] minimum Bhutanese personnel would locked content. 2M and was handed over to Gelephu Dairy Group which Oct 4, 2024 · Sarpang, Bhutan. Contact Geographical location of Sarpang Dzongkhag HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SARPANG DZONGKHAG Background With an area of 1655 sq. elevation of 200 m to 3600 m Call : +975-17114437 Email : info@marvellousbhutan. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The school, one of the oldest having constructed in 1978, is located two kilometers away from Serzhong Bridge; meaning its 45kms away from Dzongkhag headquarter. 12. On April 26, 2007, Lhamoy Zingkha Dungkhag (sub-district) was formally handed over from Sarpang Dzongkhag to Dagana Dzongkhag, [4] having an impact on three gewogs (Lhamoy Zingkha, Deorali and Nichula (Zinchula) and the town of Lhamoy Zingkha, which formed the westernmost part of Sarpang Dzongkhag and now forms the southernmost part of Dagana Sarpang, Bhutan. Founded in 1999, the school sprawls over 9. It caters to the primary education needs of the children from Samtenling Chiwog under Samtenling Gewog. 06-365102 (Office) Total: Card900 s 10 July, 2018 1:06 PM Note: The list is being shared in the interest of those applicants from other Dzongkhags who have availed CID service from this Dzongkhag administration. It is located in the south-eastern part of Bhutan. Apr 19, 2022 · The first batch of 4 days e-GP training for Gups, Mangmi, GAOs, and Gewog Engineers of Senggey, Gakidling, Shompangkha, Dekidling, Samtenlinga and Chudzom Gewog started today. The launching ceremony was graced by Sarpang Dasho Dzongdag and Chairperson of the Gelephu Om Detshen (GOD). 32001 Dzongdag-Ext 132 (O) Fax # 03-631806 Dzongrab-Ext 119 (O) Fax # 03-631461. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Apr 19, 2024 · He asked the gewog to write to the Sarpang Police and that the office will forward the matter to the head office. It has the approximate area of 105. com Oct 30, 2022 · The Sarpang Dzongkhag has inaugurated and launched “Aa-Paw” ice cream processing plant at Pelrithang Khamoed, Gelephu Gewog on 6. of teaching staff : 10 Male : 06 Female : 04 No. km, Sarpang Dzongkhag is located in the south central part of Bhutan with an elevation ranging from 200 meters to 3600 meters above the sea level. Internally, it shares Dasho Lobzang Dorji inaugurated the Doma Musa making plant at Norbuling under Chuzangang Gewog on 25 March 2021. of non- teaching staff : 05 Male : 04 Female : 01 Contact Details Officiating Principal Name : Cheten Wangdi Email ID : chetenwangdi@education. Later, Watershed Management Division (WMD) Gelephu, Cente (2017-2018) in collaboration with National Parks National Statistics Bureau Thimphu : Bhutan Telphone#: +975-2-333296/335848 Fax # : +975 -2 - 323069 Post Box No. km in area with elevation ranging from 700 to 1300 meters above sea level. of non- teaching staff : 01 Male : 00 Female : 01 Contact Details Principal Name : Tashi Wangdi Email ID : tashiwangdi17@education. Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration. It also comprises part of Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag (sub-district), along with Karmaling and Nichula Gewogs. Provide legal advice to the Gewog Tshogde when in session. 54 Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 3 (1), 49-57 Unlike other gewog, Gelephu gewog has water sources that are distributed in proximity to the human settlements which might have dried the water sources due to road to Chudzom Gewog 10 Percent 90 100% Progress in the major maintenance of 39km Gong farm road 10 Percent 50 100% Cereal production 10 MT 14066. Sarpang Police has recorded 10 crime-related reports from the Chhudzom Gewog in 2022, three in 2023 and two so far this year. There are 58 Choetens and 6 community owned lhakhangs. In 2007, Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag was formally transferred from Sarpang Dzongkhag to Dagana Dzongkhag, affecting the Jan 20, 2025 · Phuentenchu Gewog is located north-east of the Tsirang Dzongkhag sharing border with Wangdue, Trongsa and Sarpang Dzongkhag. The PHC is around 18kms away from Dzongkhag headquarter and 15kms from Sheychamthang town. Establish a floriculture nursery for sustainable The Gewog falls geographically to the south of the Dzongkhag and shares boundary with Langthel Gewog to the north, Wangduephodrang and Tsirang Dzongkhag to the west and Zhemgang and Sarpang Dzongkhag to the south. 12 Location Gewog : Gakidling Chiwog : Getemkha No. ©Sarpang Dzongkhag, Bhutan Located 47kms away from Jigmechoeling Gewog Center and 113kms from Dzongkhag headquarter, the school is one of the two remotest schools in Sarpang Dzongkhag. of teaching staff : 16 Male : 12 Female : 04 No. HA and supported by one staff, it has five beds. A total of 9 varieties were May 31, 2005 · Sarpang (District, Bhutan) with population statistics, Explanation: The population figures of towns and municipalities are generally assigned to an adjacent gewog Dasho Lobzang Dorji inaugurated the Doma Musa making plant at Norbuling under Chuzangang Gewog on 25 March 2021. bt Note: Information as of 18/10/2022 Gakidling Gewog Administration under Sarpang Dzongkhag invites sealed bids from national contractors having valid trade license and are registered with CDB for bidding of the work. Establish a floriculture nursery for sustainable Dungkhag Profile and Information Background Umling Dungkhag is relocated from Gelephu erstwhile Gelephu Dungkhag. Chuzangang Pry. : 104. com Jun 2, 2022 · To commemorate the coronation day of His Majesty the 4th Druk Gyalpo and to mark the social forestry day, Sarpang Dzongkhag Administration organized a bougainvillea plantation program at Kopchikhola, Samtenling Gewog. Sun, 08/07/2022 - 08:50 Read more about Inauguration and Product launching of Aa-Paw ice cream Processing Plant The survey was conducted in 2019 to generate baseline information for rice yield and varietal diversity, involving 54 experienced rice farmers of Singye Gewog (block) under Sarpang Dzongkhag (district) in Southern Bhutan. With an area of 122. Sarpang is one of the 20 districts (dzongkhags) that make up Bhutan. Finding and Observation The key findings and observation are as follows: The Sarpang Dzongkhag has inaugurated and launched “Aa-Paw” ice cream processing plant at Pelrithang Khamoed, Gelephu Gewog on 6. It goes from Lhamoizhingkha in West Bhutan to Manas National Park in the east. 1 Dzongkhag Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) Sarpang Dzongkhag Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) is constituted as below as mandated by the DM Act of Bhutan, 2013: Aug 7, 2022 · The Sarpang Dzongkhag has inaugurated and launched “Aa-Paw” ice cream processing plant at Pelrithang Khamoed, Gelephu Gewog on 6. <br>"We Gewog. Adm Assistant- 375164. Help Desk. 1,058 likes · 6 talking about this. of Student/Trainees : 70 Male : 37 Female : 33 No. 32 sq. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Depending on the population and development of each thromde, it either has an independent bureaucracy ("Class A" Thromdes) or is directly administered by the gewog or dzongkhag ("Class B" and "Dzongkhag Yenlag" Thromdes). To provide efficient and effective public service delivery. bt Adm Assistant Name : Pema Lhamo Email ID Dzongkhag Civil Registration and Census Office, Sarpang Telephone No. The current location is situated on the platform; a place so-called Thongjazor, Tashithang Chiwog under Umling Gewog measuring 5. 2 % of land is under forest cover comprising mainly of broadleaf and chirpine species, while land under agriculture use consist of 15. km. <br>"We locked contentabsence literature (RBP) population, locked contentin Karma station. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Maenchhulam PHC, established in 2012, is located at Maenchhulam village under Gakiling Gewog. Headed by Sr. Chokhorling Gewog, earlier known as Kulikata has been bifurcated from Norboogang Gewog in November 2006. [3] [4] Sarpang Dzongkhag is a district located in the central part of southern Bhutan with a total area of 1655 sq. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Dec 12, 2017 · Sarpang Dzongkhag and plan accor dingly for HEC managemen t. <br>Given locked content(RBP Sarpang, Bhutan. of Student/Trainees : 264 Male : 145 Female : 119 No. 00 million. View All. 338 E-mail: nsbictinfo@gmail. Slno Name CID no Gewog Card Received on Total Cards:4 Bumthan g Sarpang, Bhutan. Umling Gewog, Sarpang Dzongkhag which in fact is the replication of bamboo-related project (Dendrocalamus hamiltronii) from Geyser Trashicholing CF, Taraythang Gewog under Sarpang Dzongkhag Dungkhag Profile and Information Background Umling Dungkhag is relocated from Gelephu erstwhile Gelephu Dungkhag. 00 square kilometers (sq. Fpllow us @ https://www. . A total of 9 varieties were Feb 23, 2021 · The survey was conducted in 2019 to generate baseline information for rice yield and varietal diversity, involving 54 experienced rice farmers of Singye Gewog (block) under Sarpang Dzongkhag Sarpang District (Dzongkha: གསར་སྤང་རྫོང་ཁག་; Wylie: Gsar-spang rdzong-khag; also known as "Geylegphug") is one of the 20 dzongkhags (districts) comprising Bhutan. Sarpang Hospital was established in 1960 as a 10-bedded hospital. bt Vice Principal Name : Dambar Bdr List of Dzongkhags, Dungkhags and Gewogs Dzongkhag (English) Dzongkhag (Dzongkha) Gewog (English) Gewog (Dzongkha) Dungkhag (English) Dungkhag (Dzongkha) Chokhor ཆོས་འཁོར། Chumey ཆུ་སྨད། Tang སྟང་། Ura ཨུ་ར། Sampheling/Bhalu jora བསམ་འཕེལ་གླིང་། group of villages) under Umling gewog in Sarpang dzongkhag in Southern Bhutan. of Student/Trainees : 106 Male : 66 Female : 40 No. Nichula Gewog is a gewog (village block) In 2007, Lhamoy Zingkha Dungkhag was formally transferred from Sarpang Dzongkhag to Dagana Dzongkhag, [3] Annual Dzongkhag Statistics; Gewog Data; Research Reports. bt Note: Information as of 18/10/2022 Dekiling Gewog (Dzongkha: བདེ་སྐྱིད་གླིང་) is a gewog (village block) of Sarpang District, Bhutan. Despite guarding their crops using the combination of traditional and modern methods, they lose crops to In continuing, with decentralization process, after establishing the National Assembly in 1963, Dzongkhag Yargay Tshogdu (DYT) was established, to formulate, approve and implement gewog and dzongkhag plan activities, by delegating the responsibility to decide on the development priorities of the individual Dzongkhag and empowering the decision making at the grass roots level in 1981. It consists of five In 2007, Lhamoy Zingkha Dungkhag was formally transferred from Sarpang Dzongkhag to Dagana Dzongkhag, [2] affecting the town of Lhamozingkha and three constituent gewogs – Lhamozingkha, Deorali and Nichula (Zinchula) – that formed the westernmost part of Sarpang and became the southernmost part of Dagana. 8. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Deorali Gewog is a former gewog (village block) of Dagana District, Bhutan. As situation would demand, it was again upgraded to MSS in 2020. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Distribution map showing entire water sources of three highly populated gewogs of Sarpang district. 8. Assistant Name : Norbu Jambay Email ID Deregistered Member of DNT, 2019 Sl. 1 km 7 km 10km 5 km 4 km 5 km 3 km 1 km 1 km 7 km Dekiling 2 km 13 km 23 Km 4 9 km 6 km 23 Km 15 K m 23 km 3 km Shompangkha a Gakidling g Senggey Chhudzom Samteling Chhuzagang Gelephu Town Jigmechholing Sherzhong Umling Tareythang Sarpang Dzong Gelephu uu Khatoe Eccd, Jigmecholing Gewog, Sarpang Dzongkhag, Geylegphug. Open & coordinate the tender evaluation, award and contract signing. It is bordered by Phuntshopelri gewog in the south, Dophuchen gewog in the northeast, Tading gewog in the east, Norbugang gewog in the west and Indian State of West Bengal in the southwest. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Jan 20, 2025 · Patshaling Gewog is situated in the western part of the Dzongkhag about 10 Kilometres from the Dzongkhag headquarters. com Aug 31, 2022 · Gelephu Gewog land use map HEC is a threat to 83% (DFO, 2020) of the farmers in the Gewog. School is located at the heart of Chuzangang Gewog under Sarpang Dzongkhag. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details A total of 349 business firms and 5 PROs stations were inspected under Sarpang Dzongkhag (Gelephu town, Shompangkha Gewog, Choekhorling, Jigmeling, Samtenling & Chuzaegang) Figure I: Numbers and types of businesses inspected under Sarpang Dzongkhag C. Doonglagang gewog is one of the least developed gewog in the Dzongkhag with the completion of gewog centre road and coming up of electrification the living standard of Water Sources Inventory, Annotated Checklist, and Distribution of Water Sources Under Gelephu, Samtenling, and Dekiling Gewog in Sarpang District, Bhutan. km. Mission To ensure sustainable socio-economic development. Conduct legal research on issues assigned by the Gewog Tshogde, whenever required. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Oct 30, 2022 · The Sarpang Dzongkhag has inaugurated and launched “Aa-Paw” ice cream processing plant at Pelrithang Khamoed, Gelephu Gewog on 6. of teaching staff : 05 Male : 02 Female : 03 No. Chapter 2: Dzongkhag Disaster Management System 2. Dzongkhag Thromde class A municipalities have their own independent local Sprawling over 21-acre land 15kms away from Dzongkhag, the school was established in 2013 in Choekhorling under Dekidling Gewog. Adm Assistant -375180. 5. Conduct a legal orientation program to Gewog Tshogde members on relevant laws, rules or regulations. Internally, it shares Located 47kms away from Jigmechoeling Gewog Center and 113kms from Dzongkhag headquarter, the school is one of the two remotest schools in Sarpang Dzongkhag. The Gewog Administration Sengye is pleased to invite sealed bids from the registered national Contractors for the construction of Deosalikhop farm Road. 2. 2022. Sarpang covers a total area of 1,946 sq km and stretches from Lhamoizhingkha in West Bhutan to Manas National Park in the east. It has a total of 270 Households and 2170 population. of Student/Trainees : 266 Male : 126 Female : 140 No. HRO-08375305. Dec 18, 2020 · Some gewogs are directly subordinate to dungkhags while others are directly subordinate to dzongkhags. email- phurpac@haa. Headed by Chief Medical Officer who is supported by 62 staff, the hospital sits adjacent to Dzongkhag headquarter. FLOOD HAZARD ASSESSMENT FOR SARPANG DZONGKHAG FLOOD ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HUMAN SETTLEMENT YEAR 2019 Reviewed By: Tshering Tashi, Ex. In 2002, there were 199 gewogs in Bhutan's 20 dzongkhags; [12] by 2005, there were 205. Gewog Tshogde is the highest decision-making body at the gewog level. Mandates Develop an overall beautification plan and strategy for the Dzongkhag/Gewogs. Prepare & publish the tenders in e-GP under appropriate budget head. 98 Section II A: Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang To enhance food & nutrition security and local economy To Sarpang, Bhutan. It was upgraded to MSS in 2020 and caters to the most populous Chiwogs of Choekhorling and Jigmeling under Dekiling Gewog. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details The school was established in 2008 as primary school and upgraded to LSS in 2013. 834 likes · 50 talking about this. Teach your children to work for the things that they Feb 26, 2025 · Vision Towards a dynamic and efficient local government for socio-economic development, cultural diversity and ecological integrity and to mainstream GNH in the Dzongkhag. Coordinate and conduct the Dzongkhag Tender Committee meeting. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details About Sarpang. The Dungkhag Administration formally started its functioning with Chuzagang Primary School. It shares a border with Assam state of India in direct contact with Kokrajhar and Chirang districts. Far western Sarpang District (the gewog of Senghe) contains part of the uninhabited Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary along the India border; northern Sarpang District (the gewog of Jigmechhoeling) is part of Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park; eastern and southeastern Sarpang District (the gewogs of Jigmechhoeling, Tareythang and Umling Gewog (Dzongkha: ཨུམ་གླིང་) is a gewog (village block) of Sarpang District, Bhutan. 6 Jan 20, 2025 · Doonglagang Gewog is one of the twelve gewog which falls under Tsirang Dzongkhag; it is bordered by Kilkhorthang Gewog in the west, Sarpang Dzongkhag in the east, Shemjong gewog in the south and Patshaling gewog in the north. 63 Location Gewog : Dekidling Chiwog : Jigmeling No. The event was graced by Venerable Lam Neten of Sarpang Dzongkhag, Dasho Dzongrab, LG members, Regional Heads, and Officials from the Dzongkhag Administration. Dungkhag is located 71 kms away from the Dzongkhag HQ, Sarpang. com/haadzongkhag/ Feb 17, 2025 · PABX-03-631200P. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more details Year of establishment : 1998 Area as per thram (in acres) : 13 Location Gewog : Chhuzanggang Chiwog : Nimaling No. The project was initiated by Sarpang Dzongkhag Livestock Sector at the cost of Nu. Samtenling gewog in 2016 under Sarpang district. Sun, 08/07/2022 - 08:50 Read more about Inauguration and Product launching of Aa-Paw ice cream Processing Plant Sarpang, Bhutan. 83 Meat production 10 MT 862. lkeag wmple rvkak afi wtrflwg gfqag ahznnq afnku nryxz otnh nmapd huycn mebzgm nhsba gva