Vw beetle brake bleeding problems By the way the wheel I'm working on was totally locked up. Sometimes a simple bleeding will cure the high clutch 74 VW Beetle brake problem. NBTurboFreak. One man operation, fast easy, works. This is the first time I've bled a vanagon. 8T Bought myself a VAG405 because of the ABS light and came up with these two codes 00283 - How can I check if the sensor is faulty? 01276 - I checked the fuses on top of the battery with a multimeter and they are good. I think the VCDS_Lite software isn't bleeding the pump properly as it doesn't go through the full bleed routine and gets stuck in a 2 stage procedure. Another detail in bleeding beetle brakes is the travel of the brake pedal. I have never worked on a beetle until this time I always worked on other vehicles besides the beetle but I have a master clutch cylinder that went out of my wife's I change the master clutch cylinder at the change the line the hydraulic clutch line was changed the slave cylinder was changed and I had the cap off and then I ended up feeling it up put the cap back Below we have listed five common reasons why your Volkswagen Beetle’s brake pedal may be hitting the floor. So we looked under the hood, and I bench bleed a new master cylinder for my dad's 63' Beetle. There are a few small differences. 1938-1953 VW Beetle 'Standard' models were supplied with cable-operated brakes. VCDS is not necessary to bleed entirely brake and clutch fluid on Golf Mk5. I've tried to use the "old school" brake bleeding method of using a helper to pump the brake pedal. Have replaced the master cylinder (3 different ones) and the wheel cylinders. The car is with stock internals but is running a TD05-16g turbo setup. Classic VW BuGs How to Self Brake Bleeding Vintage Beetle Ghia Bus Volkswagen. All brakes drag evenly so its not a caliper. View our complete selection of air-cooled VW parts on the JBugs website: http://www. I won't go into the reason for this because it's been covered multiple times on this forum. We just rebuilt the rear brakes. Joined Bench bled it and bled the brakes. blah blah blah. So how do you know if you've got rid of the bubbles when you are in the car pumping the pedal? This is what we did to solve it: Right front - remove the bleed nipple. - Answered by a verified Classic Car Mechanic. ↳ Save a VW! ↳ VW Related Stuff; Whatever. Dont know what else to do. ↳ General Chat 1969 VW Beetle Convertible: Back to top: TheAmazingDave Samba Member Joined: April 11, 2013 But I've haven't seen that happen and had no issues with the brake pressure: Back to top: mikeonthebike Samba Member Joined: December 08, 2012 You can introduce more air into the system bleeding the brakes than not bleeding a system that doesn't Hey gang, I could use a little help after doing some brake work and still having a very soft pedal. By chatting and providing personal info, Well We can not get the front brakes to bleed properly always has air. I checked and don't see any leaks, the reservoir is full. the same stuff that VW called "brake Apologies in advance for yet another brake bleeding post, but I'm tearing my hair out on this one ande have been failed on the soft brakes on the annual test twice in last 2 weeks. The rear brakes started grinding but i didn't have enough to get the pads replaced and I didn't have the tools the do the job myself so the calipers thanks for all the info ya i replaced all the flexable brake lines about 2 weeks ago when i got my first master cylinder they sold me one to a standard beetle not the super. comIn this short tip I show you how to go about bleeding brakes on your Classic VW all by yourself. People who complain of poor braking with their Volkswagens usually have unrealized problems somewhere in the system, most likely due to internal rusting. The brake pedal started to feel really spongy (it feels like the system has air in it). 2K views 3 replies Great comments. The first time I did it, and the second time it was done at a local shop. Hope this helps with future EPC light/brake light switch problems in the future. 1966 VW Beetle; ↳ My 1966 VW Beetle; ↳ How Did You Find Us? ↳ Volkswagen No issues. The car has been rebuilt from scratch Strong performance: When you brake your Volkswagen, the brake power can reach up to 883 kW (1200 hp), exceeding the engine power many times over. VW Brake Fluid is a type of Mineral Oil, so DO NOT get it on anything rubber as it will start to I bleed at all wheels twice with a pressure bleeder. I made it about halfway down the block and lost all breaksLOL Thank god for e-brakes. Bleeding VW Brakes -- Discussion. A couple points for bleeding that some know, but many don't. While I had the beetle ( 99 2. Bleed the Could also be caused by pads and caliper issues as well. Skip to first unread message Chris2Redd. Anyway, I bolted a new switch in, filled up the brake fluid tank, and started to bleed the brakes. Buy your Self Brake Bleeding Kit In fact these brake bleeding issues come up every week sometimes every other day it seems. 95 at PartsGeek. so i put the new one in. 2002 VW Beetle Apr 17, 2012 #5 I have located a shop in my small town of 2500 people that has a vag-com, imagine that! Im having a similar issue. lifting the pedal solves the issue Whether you bench bled or not, on a vintage bug I start by loosening the brake lines and switches at the master cylinder first. The adjuster is mostly for the parking brake - it keeps the engagement of the parking brake even as the brake pads wear down. sevassusej Discussion starter. - Depress brake pedal firmly and hold. Of course, as with all Not using the parking brake doesn't push the adjuster out all the way. However, in your case, there's probably something up with the hydraulics and/or brake booster if it occurs when you're sitting still. It will make bleeding very difficult. if its stuck out, when you apply the brakes, the car will pull to one side. When pushing the brake pedal, it feels like the first 70% of the pedal travel has nothing at all, Another detail in bleeding beetle brakes is the travel of the brake pedal. Installed new cylinders and pads and springs and such. _____ 1970 VW (owned since 1972) and 1971 VW Convertible (owned since 1976 http://www. 5 minutes. S. Procedure for Bleeding the ABS Brake Pump on VW Golf, GTI, Jetta, and Audi TT: [Select] [03 - ABS Brakes] [Basic Settings - 04] Group 001 [Go!] This will trigger the ABS pump to turn on for about 10 1969 vw beetle restoration- brake bleeding (fast and easy)Beetle brakes brake replacing Buggy dune brakes vw beetle bleedBending and installing brake lines: vw beetle rebuild series. If you have replaced the mc then obviously bleeding the brakes by pushing the pedal to the floor won't harm it because its new! A forum community dedicated to all Volkswagen owners and enthusiasts. I bleed the brakes,starting with the pass. 2012 Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these instructions. I had similar issue on my 1971, and I replaced both brake light switches on the master cylinder. I have Hi Kbarnes: This is really best done as a two person job - You should start by bleeding the right rear brake as it is the furthest from the master cylinder. These instructions apply to many older VW/Audi models but may not work with many newer ones. But I did use a new one on the rear brakes. also it wouldn't hurt to bleed the brakes to check for air in the system. 694 posts · Joined 2009 Add to quote 08 vw beetle brake light fix. I hope it's the linkage adjustment. repeat for all the lines. Thanks. 2000 VW Beetle. Previous VW: 1971 VW Super Beetle: Back to top: bnam Samba Member Joined: July 02, 2006 I let it bleed through the brake switch ports, then I screw them in as it's dripping. You immerse the tube in the brake fluid, open the bleeder, then get into car and pump a few pumps without having to worry about air returning through the bleeder. Click on the video to check the progress on my build. Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:32 pm Post subject: Brake issue on 1970 VW beetle: I just installed new pads, wheel cyl's and a new master cylinder on my daughters VW. What I (and my VW shop) figured out is where the hard (metal) brake lines were screwed into the rubber lines there was still a air gap between the feral end and For tough to bleed hydraulic systems; I have found the Phoenix reverse bleeder tool, to really help. Bleeding pressure must not exeed 1 bar in your 2001 Beetle (like Golf Mk4) due to EDL (Electronic Differential Lock) valve in the ABS module. Works fine. 66balut Member Invest in a Motive pressure brake bleeder. All pads have been replaced recently and I just added a new rear caliper. When the system is open for the repair, it's absorbing water through the air. Bleeding your brake system is a necessity when replacing any hydraulic brake component and is a very crucial step that will usually require 1977 Super Beetle When brake pedal is depressed it stays on the floor. Hey all, so I have my 1969 beetle and I've been tinkering with it here and there. Second owner of each. This entails injecting fluid into the bleeder and pushing it toward the master cylinder. png. Brake fluid should I would appreciate some help diagnosing a brake problem on my 2000 NB 2. ive just read conflicting info on where to start to bleed first. Release the pedal. 72 posts · Joined 2012 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Sep 22, 2012. 00. Yep! These - brake pedal travel is too long or so-called »soft brake pedal« Subsequent bleeding requires the assistance of a second mechanic. Follow along with our VW experts to see how to properly bleed your VW brakes. Make sure all bleeder valves are closed and shoes adjusted for bleeding. Toyotas mainly because they always feel like they have air in them. 2000 Beetle GLX 1. They are to be used at your own risk. It's just like bleeding the brake system. If you do use a canister follow that manufactures user ABS Pump bleeding: ABS Brake Pump Bleeding Updated 13 Feb. I started noticing poor braking performance and thought pads/rotors were shot. However, if one is not available, Bentley states, and correctly so, that you bleed the 'front brakes first'. Brakes were working fine before just needed new shoes. Have to pump Oh, one does not need to bench bleed on the bench. com :: Beetle - 1958-1967 - View topic - Brake Bleeding Problems Hello! Soft brake problems 02 New Beetle. I've considered the new wheel cylinders may be no good, but think it's unlikely they both could be defective. Locate the bleed screw on the slave cylinder. Now (Summer 06), VW has once again recalled the switch and sure enough my EPC light is back on. When I finally released the brake line it moved just fine. If the shop, that is doing the work; cannot bleed the abs system and you still have spongy pedal, you may need to find a shop that has In this video Sam gets the brakes of our 1967 VW Beetle bled and working properly, but he discovers other issues. 0, the brake pedal is hard and the brakes start to engage once the pedal is pressed about a 1/2" down and the pedal remains rigid and firmnot so w/ the wifes car. 1988 Mazda B2200 truck, 1998 Frontier, 2014 Yukon, 2004 Frontier King Cab. I was sure to top it off after each caliper bleed and the clutch bleed put the over filled reservoir right at the max level. Your master cylinder should have at least come with the two plastic nipples that stick into the top of it. I believe I found the issue though and I’m ashamed to say what. I have a low brake pedal which makes me feel as if the fronts are working and the rears are not. I bought mine through Victoria British to bleed the clutch and brakes on my MG But it works on them all you can also check engine vacumn and all other good stuff plus getting the rest 1964 beetle. LR brake drum leaking fluid slowly 1. Open a bleeder valve (farthest away from MC best, though with dual circuit do front axle first) and have helper push down on pedal. Official VW bleeding sequence: Changed the metal line from the MC, still the same problem. The brakes are on but the pedal will not return I replaced the master cylinder on my 1974 VW beetle. Quick Links. If I go back to reverse, it has brakes. Lower than the accelerator pedal (I hit the accelerator pedal while applying the brakes) Any suggestions where to look next?? Thanks for any help! For a brake job on your mk3 TDI, see 1000q: front brake. The car stops fine and the ABS has recently serviced and brakes replaced , and bleed using a vagcom several times , but there just seems to me to much brake travel compared to my other cars. Easiest way is to have a helper push the brake pedal as needed. Come join the Bleed the brakes again starting from the bleeder that is furthest away from the master cylinder and work your way toward the closest bleeder. Official VW bleeding sequence: View our complete selection of air-cooled VW parts on the JBugs website: http://www. The clutch petal bracing inside the tunnel has broken free. Brake problems. The owner ran the brake fluid level too low and the rear pads needed renewing. I am currently trying to bleed the brakes after loosing all the fluid out of the brakes lines due to pressing the brake peddle & extending the piston while no brakes were on. Is there some type of adjustment for the brake pedal or other Ideas about this . I can manually bleed the brakes and fluid comes out all wheels. Once he got the brakes bled, without an assistant thanks Volkswagen Beetle original (1946 - 2003) - 1978 ? Brake problems. The clutch pedal would periodically stick to the floor. Now for the test drive. A dual circuit Beetle master cylinder (the universal late Beetle replacement one) does not use residual valves and works with both disc and drum brakes, so it should eliminate this problem while making your brake system safer in the event of partial failure. When pushing the brake pedal, it feels like the first 70% of the pedal travel has nothing at all, them the last 30% has pressure, but not a lot. Here's a couple of hints and tips gathered from some good and bad experiences in brake bleeding. So when it was time to bleed and adjust the brakes. Car stopped ok using front brakes only. Repeat 2 more times. Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:57 am Post subject: Re: Bleeding brakes on 1967/1968 beetle chassis: In your case the first thing to do is isolate where the air is . I replaced the rear pads and bled the brakes. Hit "Go!" This triggers the ABS pump, during which time you should bleed the system. Brakes auto parts for Volkswagen Beetle (1998-2010): Brake Bleeding and other parts related to Brake Bleeding and Brake Tools Free Shipping over $99! Lifetime Replacement Program; 310-626-8765 Problems with Your Order; Order FAQ; Lifetime Replacement; Contact Us; 310-626-8765; Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm (PST) Please select a make. Buy 2001-2010 Volkswagen Beetle Parking Brake Cable Rear Replacement for a low price of $17. Yes the one man bleeder works great! Make sure you place the little bottle higher then the bleed screw. TX. You still have air in the rear parts (lines and wheel cylinders). The fluid never fell below the minimum line while bleeding the brakes and the clutch. All OK, however after 3 weeks, today it started to have a spongy brake pedal again. To build higher pressure than what is possible with a brake bleeder, do the manual "helper pumps the brakes while you bleed method" method. My 2006 TDI beetle has a brake problem. This is a very common point of brake failure. We have replaced the Master cyl 3 times and each wheel cyl. If you clamp (brake/ fuel line clamps) all 4 flexible hoses and have a full pedal it rules out I don't want to see you spend more money throwing parts at it than a shop would charge to bleed it, or worse, a shop having the same issues and throwing parts at it Bleeding brakes is usally easy, but the cars that seem to bite the most often are Toyotas and Volkswagens. Hold it there. For some reasons, I removed the calipers for piston resetting by others. See our Brake Bleeding Procedure for detailed instructions regarding bleeding the brakes. if the caliper piston is seized it cant move in and out like it should. W. Jump to Latest 4. they are pretty shady. I did some homework online and found many said it is impossible to replace the banjo bolt washer without screwed up the banjo Correct I was doing a complete brake bleed and was going to do the clutch as well, but was never successful so I gave up and will deal with it during the holidays when I replace the slave cylinder. Could that be the issue or could it be something else? I am stumped. Jump to Latest 3. Plug in your VCDS diagnostic cable and select module 3 - ABS brakes. Close bleeder valve and I have a 68 beetle and i just upgraded front and back brakes to the EMPI disk brake kit 22-2926, The back brakes bleed fine and work, But the front brakes bleed very slow but the brakes will not work, we have tried to bleed while the calipers are on the car, off the car. rear; left rear; rt I did not use a power bleeder either, but I did bench bleed. This neglect can result in costly repairs and even brake failure. To bleed the clutch on a mk4 a4 VW, see 1000q: mk4 brake and clutch fluid bleed. After many new parts, the biggest problem was found in the hidden corners of the car. to/2H2xwitOn this VW Beetle I recently upgraded the front drum brakes to disc brakes after the dropped spindle u The car basically had no brakes. same problem with VW New Beetle brakes Daughter recently had the same problem with no brakes. If bleeding pressure exeeds 1 bar some air may be trapped in ABS. It also makes bleeding brakes a 1 man job. I've bled them all tons of times and still no breaks. -Audiophil. _____ 1970 VW (owned since 1972) and 1971 VW Convertible (owned since 1976), second owner of each. 3. I'm new to this forum but I have some major brake issues and can't solve them for almost an year. This DIY shows the removal for ABS Module Mark 20 IE through Revision 09. I have been on various websites and am horrified to hear about the build quality and problems with these kits. Hi, i have TDI beetle, and the brakes have been very hard for the past 4 months. if the piston is stuck in, brake pull would occur because the piston is stuck on the anit-squel clip on the back of the pad. The problems started with the Clutch on my wife's 2002 Beetle Turbo S. I recently picked up a 63 bug (Drums all around), and while driving it back home a few weeks ago the rear brakes locked up, so I replaced the rear wheel cylinders, well unfortunately in the process of bleeding the brakes the front bleeder valve broke (literally snapped) so I had to replace the two front wheel cylinders also. I've been all through the brake system on this car, and while bleeding is always a PITA on a Beetle, I've always gotten through it. I was told that flexible brake line is the likely culprit. I removed the 2 master cylinder lines to the abs module, fluid flowed freely (eliminating master cylinder as the problem). This is a daily driver and was very intermittent happening 2-3times over course of month. The '71 now has the 1835 engine, swapped from the '70. It is an "old-fashioned" (but in our opinion a much more straightforward and Improper removal will render it inoperative. i've just changed the rear brake pads on my golf tdi (2002) and i had a little mishap, one of the pistons came out, losing all the fluid. 0 ) up on stands replacing the head gasket, I went ahead and put new rotors and pads on the front end. put phone book under brake pedal. As always, you should refer to a I recently replaced the rear brakes & roters on my beetle. This is when my woe's begin. In this video Sam gets the brakes of our 1967 VW Beetle bled and working Before we jump into changing this and modifying that, let's have a quick rundown on what braking systems were fitted to VW Beetles. Bleeder out just enough to get flow, but not leak air back in. I had to bleed it first from the nipple on the master cylinder. i have the same problem right now. Needs to made a sticky just like what oil to use. I would start by bleeding brakes if applicable and looking at replacing said booster or other hydraulics. 30 YRS EXPERIENCE, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, GAS AND DEISEL no pedal,but will pump enough to bleed. Once the system is closed again, bleeding out the old (potentially water contaminated) fluid is always a good idea. Location: Bleed from the farthest caliper away from the master cylinder and work toward the closest; those of you with ABS might encounter come difficulty if you switch from the VW brake fluid to DOT 3/4. Flare wrenches for initial loosening and final tightening of such brake parts. This procedure has been prepared from various resources including our own experience. Customer: I am experiencing a brake problem on a 2002 vw beetle. staul Discussion starter. Brakes bleed out but don't hold. So we replaced the calipers and the lines leading from the hardlines to the calipers Did a full bleed with 1l of fluid and the pedal is still soft, not sure where else to look other than master cylinder. The best way to bleed ANY 'dual circuit brake system' is with a 'power bleeder'. There is a one man brake bleeder that can be found at an auto parts store for about ten bucks if you are solo, as I am, when working on my heap. Note: The brake pedal should be high and firm after the bleeding procedure. Is brake problems VW 1974. 1998-2011 New Beetle. Since you have already bled the brakes using one method, I would suggest reverse bleeding them. unread, Apr 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM 4/15/97 to . What causes brake problems in VW Beetle? Brake belts were getting bad. - Open bleeder valve on brake caliper. I drive a VW Golf mk4 1. There is either air in the Troubleshooting the brake system in my 1979 VW Super Beetle. Once all is in good working order, keep bleeding until fluid runs clear starting with most distant wheel, working progressively to closest wheel: rt. Better get it checked out! 2018 Beetle Common Problems Q&A I, and Bentley, disagree. Now I can't get fluid out of the rear brakes. I recently got the motor running (it runs surprisingly well) and just started working on the brakes. Jump to Latest 1. Air getting sucked in around the bleeder, can do the same too. I am rebuilding brakes after replacing front wheel cylinders, flex hose, metal lines and master cylinder. 1. I just inherited a 2000 1. Pedal goes all the way to the floor now and barely New Beetle 2003 manual Jun 11, 2015 #7 I got a Motive pressure bleeder, basically a jug of fluid you can connect to the MC and pressurize. Was brought it to VW, they said the brakes were fine, but they weren't, there was no power assist with them, they were hard all the time. And then I 1974 super beetle. 3K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by dave eastman Jun 25, 2013. It won't take them more than twenty minutes with a pressure bleeder, and can you remember the last time you changed your brake fluid? If the answer is more than two years ago, you need to do it. I read an old thread about the brake pedal rod being adjusted out to far. Once I stop it and put it in drive it has brakes. Go to Basic settings and select group 1. There is a bolt holding a small metal plate to the floor at the base of the pedal cluster. I woudn't worry about it Indytom-just fyi my brake fluid had never been replaced in 8-9 years and still came out slightly light brown on the first The reverse bleeder was a fix for my bleeding issue on my 02M with my 2002 New Beetle Turbo S; all the air was removed and had a perfect, normal hard pedal. In the hospital for major surgery I had a huge issue bleeding my brakes when I installed all new hard lines and braided brake lines. Tags bad brake brakes classic beetle cylinder dent don forum forums good hold new beetle pedal problems pump replaced sale times volkswagen vw beetle vw beetle owners club vw bug vw forum wheel. You have had the master cylinder replaced; this replacement, requires a proper bleeding procedure. 1954 Porsche, pre A, with VW 36 horse- SOLD 1/54, black 11C Beetle - TRADED 2/55 Iceland green Beetle, on a 1965 pan 3/55 113 Beetle, stratos silver 1955 Messerschmitt KR175 - SOLD, sadly 1960 single cab the "old" new brake light switch (3000 miles old, but it blew) blew out, causing my accident, and. The braking problem was with the parking brake. and 1968 1500 RHD Lotus White Beetle since birth. 2. Painted drums and bled brakes. have buddy mash the brake pedal. I press on it and It doesn't move and I don't have much brakes. Check your fluid level, and add fluid when needed! You can overfill at the beginning, since a lot will be bled out. Back to the garage we went. It could come on for a variety of reasons, from a faulty speed sensor to low brake fluid to total brake failure. A test drive will have to wait. We found the rear calipers to be stuck/siezed and were grabbing the brakes even when released. Followed procedure (several times): - Check hubs and check drums/shoes (rear) and discs/pads (front); - Adjust handbrake and shoes; My advice FWIW is to do a bit of research on bleeding/changing the brake fluid. I used pressure on the reservoir @ 15-20 psi, pumped the peddle, did Basicly everything short of one rear caliper has been replaced trying to solve without any luck. In reverse, it takes about 10 yards to stop it while idling backwards. Items 3, 4, and 5 are reasons why the pedal could sink to the floor with no leak at all. 8T with AGU engine. 1967 VW Beetle - Brake Bleeding. I bench bled. Do this via GOOGLE or at your library or on this forum - that way you will have a pretty good idea of what you are doing and why. As the lines age they don't allow the brake fluid to release back to the master cylinder. No fluid is being expelled into the bleed bottle. After looking around and my front brake with nothing that seemed wrong went to the back. VW recalled the brake switch and it was fixed for free at the dealer. Loosen the bleeder I've got about 1/16" play from the push rod to the MC. Funny I stumbled on this post, my client has an 08 beetle with the EXACT same issue!! Save Share Reply Quote Like. 0 Reply. Rechecked work 3 different times and found no leaks but still After going thru the vcds bleed with no change, I removed the rr brake line from the abs module, attached a hose and funnel added brake fluid, opened rr caliper bleed screw and fluid flowed freely (checking integrity of rr brake line). 5K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by sevassusej Sep 22, 2012. Just had the brake cylinder replaced but there is a more-or-less odorless patch on the drip tray underneath the font wheels. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. High pressure: During emergency braking, the brake pads are pressed against the brake discs Brake Bleeding Problems Post by VW Beetle Bug 1970 » Thu May 16, 2002 3:31 am Hey, I just got done bleeding the front drum brakes on my 1970 Bug, I went around to do the rear and no bubbles came out, in fact nothing came out. I then called a 1960 beetle 1970 beetle convertible: Back to top: Cusser Samba Member Joined: October 02, 2006 Posts: 28471 Location: Hot Arizona : Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:17 pm Post subject: Re: Brake bleeding problems on new rear wheel cylinders: Adjust all the brakes tight, then re-bleed. I'll be quite short with my problem (as I can). They were not working at all. 4. All manual transmission except for 74 super beetle soft brakes . but I did bleed the brakes again - the old fashioned way - and adjusted the shoes again (which are still breaking in on all 4 wheels now), and things are much improved. Tested the Servo according to VW test and it's fine. The New Beetle brake system is conventional so there are no special tools needed other than those you would require on a more common car. No fluid. AbuNigel. ) The brakes have never been an issue, and have been adjusted every 3,000 miles. I once had my brakes bind with rust when I did not drive her for a period of time but that does not sound like your issue. ,side wheel and followed the book on this. you will probably want to bleed all the wheels again after Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 5:20 pm Post subject: Pressure Brake Bleeding - Easy and Cheap: I'm in the process of replacing most of the braking system on my '67 Beetle and read numerous posts about the time and effort required to bleed after replacing the master cylinder, wheel cylinders and lines. I also suggest using this since it'll make it much easier and faster. This is what i use: phoenix systems V5 reverse brake And the brakes would go soft after 2 or 3 stops. Hold a rag over the bleed hole. It's now in at the Dealership as I write this New Thread. The master cylinder is about 6 month old and works. Hatchback and a 2013 Volkswagen Beetle 2. 5L 5 Cyl. I have replaced the fluid but when i bleed the brakes the brake never becomes hard. 0L 4 Cyl. Free Shipping over $99! Lifetime Replacement Program; 310-626-8765; VW Beetle (1999-02) VW Golf (2000-02) VW Jetta (2000-02) VW Passat (1996-00): No problems with Audi before it was parked. I've ordered a motive power brake bleeder and plan to flush the system again. Just wait a couple minutes and vehicle was ok to drive again. The most recent thing I've done is bleed the brakes because the pedal has almost no pressure. 1966 VW Beetle; ↳ My 1966 VW Beetle; ↳ How Did You Find Us? ↳ Volkswagen Show Pictures; My Book on Amazon; ↳ My Book on Amazon; About This Site - Rules, Functionality, and Software Issues; ↳ Registration I purchased the EMPI front disc conversion kit for my 1956 Oval Beetle from Heritage VW a few weeks ago, I have now fitted the kit but after 3 days trying I am having trouble bleeding the brakes. Replace as needed. I cannot build up any pressure when trying to bleed system. some say passanger right,passanger left,front right and then front left. Rear brakes bleed finefront brakes, we can't get any fluid to them! When we pump the brakes and hold, pedal doesn't go down anybrake shoes are adjusted out almost touch drums so they drag some Bleed the brakes all around (see our Brake System Bleeding procedure), starting with the longest brake line and ending with the shortest. Didn't really have time to do it myself so my bf took it in to an independent shop. If I crack open a bleeder, fluid squirts out and the pedal becomes very soft only to pump back up hard again. 1 post · brake problems VW 1974. I have tried manual bleeding with two people I have tried vacuuming bleeding both activating the abs and not. 2nd master From what i have seen, the pedal to the floor; is a hydraulic issue. Yep! These Common issue with seized caliper is brake pull. bad brake brakes classic beetle cylinder dent don forum forums good hold new beetle pedal problems pump replaced sale times volkswagen vw beetle vw beetle owners club vw bug vw Bad brakes. And it's done on the first try, obviously. lmhansen said: come in and join our discussions on the Since driving the car I've noticed that the brake travel seems excessive. Vw beetle diagram super brake 1977 everyone above hi choose board postedVw bug brake parts 1958-1964, vw wheel bearings-jbugs Beetle brakes brake replacingClassic Then they fixed the bleeding screw, bled the brakes and filled the reservoir. The service manual says to use a pressure bleeder. This free video demonstrates how to add brake fluid in a 2004 Volkswagen Beetle GLS 2. On my TS and other 2. Yep that's the one I got. Items 1 and 2 are what you want to look at if there is a brake leak. I did not buy drums,or hardware kits. Thread starter CustomGT; Start date Apr 16, 2012; C. The Chilton manual does however say that you can bleed the brake fluid going to the clutch by pumping the clutch pedal, opening the bleed valve, etc. I never had the Questions, Issues or Problems with the New Beetle How do you bleed the ABS and Brakes Is there a specific way to bleed the brakes, and then bleed the ABS, or do I just bleed the brakes as you normally would, and will the ABS come right with the bleeding? Save Share Reply Quote Like. I've bled the brakes on my '71 Super Beetle twice now, but I just can't get rid of the spongy pedal. Tim Mohr. Fluid will start coming out of the outlet Hi, everyone, After changing the rear brake pads for both sides, I suddenly found parking brake was not working, in other words, no parking braking force was available at all. Attach a clear hose to the bleed screw, put hose into empty container. Have your cockpit man mash that pedal to the floor. new shoes, wheel cyl, new master Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:26 pm Post subject: Bleeding the brakes, but still can't get good braking: Maybe I should have her get under the car this time and I can pump the brakes. Hi, the scan states just an intermittent fault of a glow plug, not related to brakes. Like maybe 2" off the floor. The caliper will pull it out but not using the parking brake can result in a softer brake pedal because of that tiny bit of play. 2,062 views. The brakes work OK, and don't feel spongy, but, the pedal is still low. Hopefully that will solve my brake issues. I can stop the car, but You should have the shop bleed the brakes and the clutch master and slave before you pick the car up today. i know everyone has their own way of bleeding brakes and have found this has worked the best for me over the years. DRC Dons Repair Channel, today I replaced the brake master cylinder on my 1968 Volkswagen Beetle and all the rubber hoses just to make sure it would not star This is another reason why I fully bleed my brakes whenever I've opened the system, like to replace a brake cylinder, brake line, brake booster, and etc. Now I can change the brake discs and pads everywhere but I am not sure if this will solve the issue. Finger over the bleed hole. Here's the place to come to post when you have questions relating to technical issues or mechanical questions on the 1966 model year. Noticed brake fluid inside the drivers side drum and on the tire. open one of the brake lines ON the master cylinder to burp it. jbugs. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. 8 turbo new beetle, 120,000 miles. It still feels like there is air in the line. Don't The metal brake line that goes from the flexible to the brake drum is removed. I was aware to keep the fluid reservoir topped up. With the bleed nipple closed or open , the brake pedal goes to the floor, there is no resistance to pressing it. after this, brake are softer but still work, both LF/RF disks engage properly. Classified ads, photos, shows, links, forums, and technical information for the Volkswagen automobile TheSamba. The fact that opening the bleeder screw makes the brakes release suggests that the Brakes Auto Parts for 1975 Volkswagen Beetle Sedan: Brake Bleeding and Brake Tools, Brake Calipers, Brake Discs, Brake Drums, Brake Hoses and Lines, Brake Master Cylinders and Boosters, Problems with Your Order; Order FAQ; Lifetime Replacement; Contact Us; 310-626-8765; Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm (PST) Please select a make. FREE SHIPPING on most Replacement Brakes auto parts for Volkswagen Beetle (1950-1979): Brake Bleeder Valves and other parts related to Brake Bleeding and Brake Tools Free Shipping over $99! Lifetime Replacement Program Problems with Your Order; Order FAQ; Lifetime Replacement; Contact Us; 310-626-8765; Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm (PST) Beetle brakes have manual adjusters and require fairly constant adjustments. This can be hard to do, when i did my 02M six speed; i ended up having problems but found a reverse bleeder to do the trick. Open the bleed screw on the slave cylinder. 0L. here's how to bleed AT THE MASTER CYLINDER, per dan j reed: 1. The system has been flushed and bled twice over the past 4 years. Verified Procedure for Bleeding the ABS Brake Pump on VW Golf, GTI, Jetta, and Audi TT: [Select] [03 - ABS Brakes] [Basic Settings - 04] Group 001 [Go!] Just to update, I had a go at the Vag-com brake bleeding but had some problems, maybe someone can advise. All Brake calipers are fine and there is no leaks. Rear Brakes/Caliper. VCDS is necessary only if you let air entering braking system, so if you have to bleed a car wich has actually his braking system full of fluid you don't need VCDS. Then I bled the brakes. You need only a 2 bar pressure bleeder. I'm having issues with the brakes on my 74 SB, i bled them a few times after putting new cylinders on 3 of the wheels (4th one didnt need swapping) the system was bone dry when I got her so I'm wondering if there might be air in the master, tried to crack open the lines on the master but cant get them loose (I only Questions, Issues or Problems with the New Beetle Parking Brake not releasing I know I need to bleed my brakes, I just haven't had the time yet. Pumping the brakes quickly cavities air and breaks bubbles up into the fluid. . Bleeding is easy; however it is a two person job, unless you use a pressure/vacuum canister. Let me explain what i have done to it. Make sure you always have clean fluid in the The most recent thing I've done is bleed the brakes because the pedal has almost no pressure. com/Join us as we walk you through a quick tech tip on how to prope I recently purchased a 71 Super Beetle - stock 1600 - that was sitting for about 20-plus years in a barn. austinrecords; Nov 26, 2023 . com/If you have replaced a brake hose, line, wheel cylinder, master Try bleedind the master cylinder first, (there is two bleed screws on thside of the master cylinder) Very normal for vehicals that have had new pads and disc's to have soft brake pedel when engnie is running try doing a 100 mile if the pedel is still soft you may have problem but if you have used a pressure bleeder the ABS unit has been bled Replace rear brake banjo bolt washer+ leaking at washer Hi, I am wondering who ever replaced the banjo bolt washer of the rear brake(as shown on the attached pictures). It comes with these little plastic parts that jam into the bleeder hole they work you only need the bleeder cracked like 1/2 I'm just after changing the the front left brake calliper and brake hose on my daughters 2002 2L petrol, Beetle. In this video Sam gets the rear brakes back in order, which went easier on one side than the other. CustomGT Member. I DID bench-bleed the master cylinder Did you prime/bench bleed the master cylinder before installing? Did you fill the wheel cylinder with brake fluid when installing? _____ 1970 VW (owned since 1972) and 1971 VW Convertible (owned since 1976), second 1967 Beetle All brake system components replaced 4 years ago (master cylinder, wheel cylinders, soft lines, shoes, drums, etc. Bleed first each caliper in this official VW sequence:-Front left Before we jump into changing this and modifying that, let's have a quick rundown on what braking systems were fitted to VW Beetles. _____ 64 VW Beetle 64 Mercury Comet 64 Plymouth Valiant: Back to top: GeorgeL The VW isn't rocket science and the issue you are having is not uncommon. Things I've tried. 2012 Beetle 2. I have vcds I disconnected all lines and verified they are clear. close it after a second. 0t manual - at times brakes would stay engaged and hold vehicle back after releasing pedal for approx. I am having a terrible time with fixing my brakes. Shadetree mechanic articles to keep your beetle fweeming. VW used to mention a brake assembly paste of some sort but I never found their brand anywhere. - Fully Have a 72 Super Beetle, all drum brakes, installed new master cylinder (bench primed), all new wheel cylinders, all new hoses, new brake shoes. I also removed the fuses and plugged them back in In the fall, I replaced 4 wheel cylinders, the master cylinder, and 4 flexible brake lines in my 1970 VW which had been sitting unused for 23 years and had no fluid left in the system. The problem was there before opening the system to replace the caliper. It will need to be welded. Also read up on a power bleeder or gravity bleeding. a total brake failure. Try adjusting the brakes at the wheels and then bleeding the brakes. We see nothing leaking. In my experience, most of the time a low pedal problem is a result of the shoes not being adjusted tight enough. All lines on the car have been replaced. We have bleed the brakes so much I should invest in the brake fluid company. Without regular changes, moisture and debris Adjust and bleed the brakes, see if that helps. The Bentley manual says that you can do the brakes in either of two ways (manual or with pressure bleeder), but they only suggest pressure bleeder for the clutch. Return to “1966 Technical or Mechanical Forum” Jump to. If it isn't, go back and bleed the master cylinder (in the car, not on the bench) and all four lines again. Pump slowly. complete front brake rebuild incl new rotors/pads, caliper piston refresh (boots/seals) 2. This area of the car is quite visible with the filter box out so I am happy about doing this adjustment. It sounds like your brakes were adjusted with very little give and when they started to heat up, the expansion caused them to bind. When I start it for the first time of the day the brake pedal feels rock hard. So I am in the throes of bleeding the brakes on the '69 Beetle, flushing really, the car sat unused for some time. The rears did allright, with a little bit of air Here's the place to come to post when you have questions relating to technical issues or mechanical questions on the 1966 model year. 1966 VW Beetle; ↳ My 1966 VW Beetle; ↳ How Did You Find Us? ↳ Volkswagen Show I bought German brake master,wheel cly's ,front hoses from W. I have a 1960 beetle which seems to be leaking brake fluid from the reservoir. Recently, I have had some problems with braking - and it continues to be a problem. i've got the pads in and all looking ok, but having tried to bleed the brakes to rid the system of air, the brake pedal gets firm for Hi, the scan states just an intermittent fault of a glow plug, not related to brakes. They told him it didn't need pads and rotors, but I got my sucky-sucky tool here: https://amzn. If my husband puts a shim where the master cyl It does build pressure after a few pumps it's not right. I have done a lot of brakes and master cylinders and I have NEVER removed a backing plate to bleed brakes on a beetle, and I don't gravity bleed, or vacuum bleed, or power bleed. I believe that I did it correctly. Questions, Issues or Problems with the New Beetle. No What’s up gang!. After bleeding however it feels as though onlt the rear brakes are holding It acts like a check valve, it is like the fluid is not returning to the master cylinder. Yesterday I tried bleeding the brakes one more time. ClassicVWbugs. First with a vacuum bleeder than manually. Can only consistently get fluid out of driver's front. It leaked a lot of fluid out of the front circuit through the bad switch. When, i installed the new throw out bearing; the air in the clutch system; caused the pedal to go to the floor and not retract but just stay down. If the new hose and brake flush don't fix the issue, it's mechanic bound :banghead: just making sure the brake repair is working and the car is safe to drive or as safe as this beetle can be. uxrz ltjj sfrpl yxrj icuchx onrpi lejra jrvkh jthrexl yqwy hhspbvq kxjme tqon zimymcpg nxehnhp